Disenchantment of the world and decline in religious commitments
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Religious transformation

How to Cite

Barrera Rivera, P. . (2002). Disenchantment of the world and decline in religious commitments: religious transformation before postmodernity. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 4(4), 87–104. https://doi.org/10.22456/1982-2650.2247


The options and religious practices multiplication would seemto turn the matter of secularization out of question. The religion quantityintroduces like unquestionable information that doesn’t allow to seeprofound changes in the religion. In this rehearsal we propose thehypothesis that the religious growth just represents confirmation of radicalreligion place transformation in the modernity. Transformation that theglobalization would come to accelerate. The secularization concept,poorly argued in the religion study in Latin America, and, in consequenceof this, criticisms object unable to overcome it, continues helping us whenplaced in the larger perspective of the world “unbewitching”. We rehearse,thus, a religious change analysis from concepts like world “unbewitching”and “religion exit”, aiming to show that in place of a crisis what we haveis the social statute transformation of the sacred, which doesn’t inaugurateitself with the secularization, but precedes and overtakes it.

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