The Renascer em Cristo Church and the consolidation of the gospel music market in Brazil
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Renascer Cristo Church
Gospel music
Religions market

How to Cite

Dolghie, J. Z. (2004). The Renascer em Cristo Church and the consolidation of the gospel music market in Brazil: an analysis of marketing strategies. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 6(6), 201–220.


From the 70s and 80s on, the protestant religious field in Brazil wasoverflowed by new forms of religiosity. Among them the neopentecostalchurches that had a huge increase in these decades. In a pluralist and competitivescenery, the Renascer em Cristo Apostolic Church (RCC), founded in 1986,centered in merchandizing actions, casts on religious market its main product: itsgospel music. The success of such product applies, partly, to the marketprinciples used by RCC, and also to the existence of a religious dissatisfaction inthe protestant means, principally related to the ritual and to the music. In thisway, this Church casts in the religious market a symbolic product in order tosatisfy a repressed religious demand, contributing, directly, to the consolidationof gospel music market in Brazil.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Jacqueline Ziroldo Dolghie


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