Religious metamorphoses in the old center of São Paulo
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Urban territory
Secred and profane
São Paulo city
Religions landscape

How to Cite

Passos, J. D., & Guerriero, S. (2004). Religious metamorphoses in the old center of São Paulo: variations on landscape and space. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 6(6), 117–133.


In our days, the metropolitan territory configures as an unsacred space and the metropolis assumes the model of the modern occupation of territory: rationalization of the space, the time and the functions. In the metropolis the origins, the dynamics and relationships between sacred and profane acquire specifics space and time qualities, contrasting the old opposition between both of these terms. The religious groups build own places in the metropolitan territoriality. The aim of the research was to revisit the religious landscape and the religious space of the ancient downtown of São Paulo city. It searches to explain the currents configurations inside the metropolitan scenery and also it seeks to elucidate the dynamics specialization through the religious expressions. The religious landscape was been build in each age with specifics functions. At this moment, which is the relationship between the religious landscape and the profane landscape?
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Copyright (c) 2020 João Décio Passos, Silas Guerriero


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