"Back to the dance of syncretism"
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Global culture
Pierre Sanchis

How to Cite

Mariz, C. (2005). "Back to the dance of syncretism": a dialogue with Pierre Sanchis. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 7(7), 189–201. https://doi.org/10.22456/1982-2650.2284


Since the fourties, Brazilian sociologists and anthropologist adopted theconcept of syncretism in their studies on Afro-Brazilian religions. At the end ofthe seventies, however, this concept was abandoned after being criticized as partof ruling classes’ ideology, and as a tool of cultural imposition. Among of themain contributions of Pierre Sanchis’ work, his proposal of rehabilitation of thisconcept stands out. This article examines some aspects of Sanchis’ discussion onsyncretism.

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