The figure of the first Bishop
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Jaime de Nevares
Popular Movement

How to Cite

Mombello, L., & Nicoletti, M. A. (2005). The figure of the first Bishop. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 7(7), 49–72.


The province of Neuquén located in the argentine Patagonia grewstronger throughout the 60’s and 70’s. The Neuquino Popular Movement (MPN) alocal political party who governed the province from the beginning and continuesto do so, creating a foundation to the paradigms of progress and their well-beinginitiated by the pioneers. The identity concept was challenged by the practices andstories from Jaime de Nevares, Neuquen’s first Bishop, who based the ideas in thejustice and protection of the constitutional rights. His actions drove him to positionhimself as an unavoidable ethical reference, not only to catholics but also to othergroups who founded a new identity based on the understanding of Neuquén a asplace of fights and utopias. After the passing of the Bishop, a noticeable tensionbetween the two identities surfaced in the local public.
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