The Pity Fairies and the Salem Witches
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Supernatural visions
Puritanism and social transformations

How to Cite

Almeida, T. M. C. de. (2005). The Pity Fairies and the Salem Witches. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 7(7), 39–48.


How can two religious phenomena, motivated and sustained bysupernatural visions of children and adolescents result in totally diametricallydifferent personal and social transformations? One of the phenomena studied ispart of the Brazilian Catholicism and refers to an apparition of the Virgin Mary.The other phenomenon, the puritan inquisition, reveals an American religiousdynamic very common in the 17th Century. The inquisition caused many peopleto die and promoted significant changes in the lives of the people involved and intheir communities. Besides comparing these two phenomena, the author’s purposewas also to show the richness of these episodes, without surrendering tointerpretations which are excessively psychological and sociological, and which arenot sensible to the transcendent’s experience of life.
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