Running with the saint and burning in the Spirit
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Possession and embodiment

How to Cite

Rabelo, M. (2005). Running with the saint and burning in the Spirit: possession and the dynamics of place in candomblé and pentecostalism. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 7(7), 11–37.


The present paper compares two religious experiences of incorporationof sacred power: being inhabited by the Holy Spirit in Pentecostalism and spinningwith orixás and caboclos in the Candomblé. The comparison aims to identify themodes of bodily engagement cultivated in the two religious contexts: the sensuousforms of understanding the situation (and the others) that are involved in theseexperiences of alterity. The goal is to approach possession/trance from thestandpoint of embodiment and to further articulate the concepts of embodimentand space to refine the comparative analysis. The paper explores the potential ofthis approach for understanding the distinctive styles of sociability characteristicof Candomblé and Pentecostalism.
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