Power and politics in the Christian Congregation in Brazil
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Religious domination
Religious tradition
Collective memory

How to Cite

Christoph Foerster, N. H. (2006). Power and politics in the Christian Congregation in Brazil: a Pentecostalism against the grain. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 8(8), 121–138. https://doi.org/10.22456/1982-2650.2296


Just as in the time of her beginning, the Christian Congregation ofBrazil continues to propagate herself by personal networks and by cult as uniqueways of marketing. Leaders are prohibited to be political candidates, and in thecult there is no place for political propaganda. These facts prove that the CCBkeeps herself aside some religious, cultural and social dynamics which had impacton nearly all contemporary religious groups, with other pentecostals at the frontline.Therefore, the CCB continues what their first scholars already affirmed about her:a pentecostalism sui generis. The present paper analyses the relations of power withinthis religious group, his competitive strategies, and his lack of participation inparty politics. It looks for the devices in his memory and collective representationsthat block the transformations which are occuring in other religious groups.

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