Other religions, other policies
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Social movements
Folk religion
New Age

How to Cite

Carozzi, M. J. (2006). Other religions, other policies: some relationships between social movements and religions without central organization. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 8(8), 11–29. https://doi.org/10.22456/1982-2650.2290


The article analyzes relationships that may be established betweendecentralized religions and social movements, based on data drawn from four casestudies. It is argued that an event that triggers both a massive religious response aswell as a corresponding protest movement does not necessarily imply the pre-existenceof veiled protest, as some authors have argued, but sometimes involves a radical re-framing of the situation. It is also suggested that in situations where the threat ofrepression against collective action is high, the goals of a social movement may bemaintained as the means to accomplish them are spiritualized, fueling a religiousmovement. Further, it proposes that religions and social movements that appeal tothe same segments of the population develop similar forms of organization. Finally,it states that active participation in a social movement may transform the meaningsassigned to spiritual beings, re-framing them in its own terms.

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