Three positions of the Christian woman
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Algranti, J. (2007). Three positions of the Christian woman: study on gender relations in the master narrative of Pentecostalism. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 9(9), 165–193.


The aim of this paper is to study the gender positions that Pentecostalism sets through foundational tales as a master narrative that defines the woman’s place in the evangelical cosmology. Far from abstract definitions, the structures of patriarchalism, understood on their historical and social genesis, are actualised differently on each symbolic universe of society. Regarding religion, it is important to identify the groups of discourses that define the changing position of “the feminine”, digging in the social spaces that support representations. In this sense, it is possible to recognize the dynamics of male dominance as well as the spaces of resistance and subversion within the same practices. The author explores the different positions of women in the evangelic world through the analysis of documents related to a neo-Pentecostal church in Buenos Aires.
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