How is a saint born in the cemetery?
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How to Cite

Freitas, E. T. (2007). How is a saint born in the cemetery? death, memory and history in Northeast Brazil. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 9(9), 59–90.


The article analyzes the conditions for the appearance and social reproduction of popular canonization, which can be defined as a spontaneous process of sanctification, neither institutionalized nor formally organized that typically emerges in cemeteries. I will do that by exploring two cases in Rio Grande do Norte, a state at the Northeastern Region of Brazil: A cangaceiro called Jararaca, in Mossoró; and an assassin called Baracho, in Natal. My aim is to understand which criteria determine the selection of these saints among the deceased buried in a cemetery; and to inquire why an outlaw becomes a saint, but not the former mayor of the city who led the victorious resistance to the invasion plotted by these same outlaws. I analyze the representations of the outlaw’s life as it is remembered and presented mainly through verbal and ritual transmission, and the representations on its posthumous existence and sainctity. I will, therefore, explore the verbal aspect of the rituals around the tomb, and the ways through which they grant symbolic efficacy to the cult (the miracles) and elaborate a memory of the outlaw’s life history. Such memory inevitably leads to another version of the history of the events that led to his death; hence, it also creates another way of telling the history of the town and its local community.
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