Damage, ritual therapy and manipulation of the sacred in the traditional medicines of the Argentine Northwest
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Idoyaga Molina, A., & Sacristán Romero, F. (2008). Damage, ritual therapy and manipulation of the sacred in the traditional medicines of the Argentine Northwest. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 10(10), 137–156. https://doi.org/10.22456/1982-2650.6918


The authors analyse traditonal medicines’ therapeutic ritual in Northwestern Aregentina: curanderismo and self- treatment. Firstly, they focus on therapeutic rituals perfomed by both specialized healers (curanderos) and lays, considering, at the same time, the more relavant changes in the humoral medicine practices. Then, they explore the ritual healing using spells, discussing its definition as magic, as some authors have proposed. They make clear that formulas have a mythicreligiuos foundation, supported by the mythification of Gospels, some saints’ life and Virgin Mary new mythical episodes or manifestations. In this sense, the spell is the rite reediting the myth; this means that primeval times and the sacred actions performed by the deities invoked become present.

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