The Path of the Missions
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Santiago Path

How to Cite

Steil, C. A., & Marques, B. (2008). The Path of the Missions: theoretical-methodological reflections from a contemporary pilgrimage experience. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 10(10), 17–48.


This paper presents an ethnography on the pilgrimage of the Caminho das Missões (Mission Path), which was made in 2004 and 2005, in Brazil. The goal is to comprehend the phenomena of religion today related to secular fields of human action, tourism, bodybuilding, and marketing. These fields penetrate the new rituals of religious pilgrimage. This reflection is situated in the end of the research project “Santiago Paths in Brazil: interfaces between pilgrimage and tourism” (2004-2007), wherein the Caminho das Missões is a case study. The intersection point among these paths is the role of the secular brokers in the agency of the sacred that are occupying the place of churches as mediators. The references used to interpret this event are from the phenomenological anthropology, especially from the embodiment paradigm, and from the anthropology of landscape, with emphasis on the agency of the self and of the environment at the conformation of the human experience.
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Copyright (c) 2008 Carlos Alberto Steil, Bruno Marques


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