The zen ordination ceremony
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Zen Buddhism
Rites of passage

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Carini, C. E. (2009). The zen ordination ceremony: ethnography of a rite of passage in Argentine Buddhism. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 11(11), 157–180.


This article is an ethnographic approach to the Argentinean Zen Buddhism passage rites, particularly the ones in monastic orders. Is explored the meaning of the sacred clothing (kesa) of the monks and its roll in both the social construction of ordination and the individual appropriation of certain ritual objects as symbols of subjective change. Then, the ceremony is described as, its different stages and its associated representations. Lastly, an interpretation of these practices is provided addressing the value they acquire as a mechanism of symbolic objectivity of a new religious habitus and as a way of including the practitioner in a sacred lineage that goes back in time to the very beginning of Buddhism.
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