Hammocks and pilgrimages
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Our Lady’s apparitions
Catholic Charismatic Renewal

How to Cite

Sales, L. (2009). Hammocks and pilgrimages: circulation in Marian manifestations. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 11(11), 59–91. https://doi.org/10.22456/1982-2650.8387


In this article we analyze the circulation of Our Lady’s apparitions and other contemporary Marian manifestations in Brazil. This circulation occurs by means of pilgrimages – both people’s and the phenomena themselves – throughout the country. Two aspects are fundamental and complimentary for the success of these events: on the one hand, the importance of parish networks, like the ones formed by Catholic Charismatic Renewal prayer groups, in organizing pilgrimages, that usually start from a parish to go to an Our Lady apparition site. On the other hand, only parish networks are not enough to explain the importance of these events, which are articulated from nonterritorial networks, and make use of other forms of contact and communication between people that go beyond the parish.

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