Dimensions of the identity experience and religious territorialization
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How to Cite

Setton, D. (2011). Dimensions of the identity experience and religious territorialization: analysis of Orthodox Judaism in Argentina. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 13(15), 63–82. https://doi.org/10.22456/1982-2650.22797


The paper is devoted to the analysis of identity experiences among social actors that belong to the Argentinean section of the Jewish-orthodox movement Habad Lubavitch. In order to reach this objective, the author has constructed a typology of identity experiences dimensions: institutional, communitarian-cultural and spiritual. This typology makes it possible to analyze the making of the religious territory and the relationships between nucleus and peripheries. The paper analyze how identity-making processes are based in centralization and peripherization strategies related with this dimensions. Finally, localization and universalization processes in the identity-making strategies are analyzed.

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