Mormon Chronicles on the Edge of Zion
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Ceriani Cernadas, C. (2011). Mormon Chronicles on the Edge of Zion: the Argentine experience. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 13(15), 35–61.


This work presents a historical-anthropological chronicle about Mormonism in Argentina. The empirical exploration it organized in three main areas: historical documents, apologetics narratives and ethnographic data. In particular, the article analyzes the beginning of Mormonism in the country in the interwar, in order to inquire the social formation of national leadership during the fifties and the institutional organization in the next decades. In doing so, we take an special attention of the religious and political fields and the missionary work among Europeans migrants. Moreover, we discuss the construction of social acommodation strategies with the national society and the political leadership. Finally, the study presents some of the current dilemmas of the Mormon Church in it global expansion phase that involves a cultural tension between Mormon values and that of the host society.
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