Negotiating similarities, producing identities
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Genetic heritage
Gamete donors

How to Cite

Allebrandt, D. (2014). Negotiating similarities, producing identities: religious orientation and genetic heritage when choosing gamete donors. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 16(21), 137–151.


Assisted reproduction (AR), is a phenomenon that expresses the importance of "having" children in our society. Far from a peaceful land, these techniques evoke hybrid feelings. Especially when we talk about gamete donation. In Brazil, donations are anonymous and has been centralized in one bank. Little is known about the donors and their motivations. The way they are chosen is the central theme of this article. The recipients receive a list that contains information such as blood type, ethnic origin, religion, skin color, eye color, height and hobbies. Such information speaks of two sets of information that refer to familiar binomial discussed in anthropology: nature and culture. The aim of this article is to discuss how religious information is important to choose a donor. This debate is situated on the relevance of debates about notions of heredity and transmission for personal and family identity.
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