Breaks and discontinuities in Josias' trajectory
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How to Cite

Nunes, M. F., Meirelles, M., & Pedde, V. (2014). Breaks and discontinuities in Josias’ trajectory: of the subjects’ political-religious projects and their metamorphoses in contemporary Brazil. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 16(21), 22–39.


The article focuses on the journey discussion, project and metamorphosis, through analysis and interpretation of ethnographic research carried out in three different moments – 1993/2002/2011 – and had as main research subject the same speaker. The study recovers elements of the three ethnographies in order to understand the discontinuities and ruptures present in the speaker journey, when facing contradictions and conflicts on religious militancy and political – political party and black movement – reworks a new project trying to give some meaning to the lived experience. To the theoretical and methodological of anthropology, it is added contribution from political science to debate on religion, politics and ethnicity interconnections.
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