From religion and health to spirituality and healing
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Scuro, J. (2015). From religion and health to spirituality and healing: neo-shamanism as a vehicle for change. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 17(22), 167–187.


The article begins with the question posed by the separation between religion and health and shows the emergence of a field that acts as a bridge between both areas, theneoshamanic practices. The transformation around the figure of the Shaman and his contemporary resurgence in the form of neo-shamanism is briefly displayed. Neoshamanism is observed as an invention produced by this imagined separation and as an articulator of the re-connections through which is possible the cure, understanding it not only in its physiological aspects but like a process of cultural transformation where it is built a panindigenous imaginary as the source of access to the knowledge necessary to cure the defects of the hegemonic modes of relationship. Concrete examples of production of these narratives are shown, mainly in Uruguay, and it is suggest a multiplicity of new interethnic relations that could be thought both as neocolonialism and as the transformation of health, believes and nature paradigms.
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