The welfare of the peripheries
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How to Cite

Algranti, M., & Gancedo, M. (2015). The welfare of the peripheries: healing and sacredness in two heterodox religions of the city of Buenos Aires. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 17(22), 136–155.


In this article we approach two sacred practices such as “elevación espiritual” (spiritual elevation) of the Asociación Escuela Científica Basilio (AECB) and daimoku intonation of the Nichiren Buddhism of the Soka Gakkai International Organization (SGI). The main goal of the article is to show the way these practices facilitate body and cosmological transformation among subjects searching for health within what could be defined as peripheral religions in Buenos Aires (Argentina). Thus we first explore underlying traditions and cosmogonies and then analyze these body techniques and rituals materializing stages of healing processes and religious conversion.
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