Reborn in Christ
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Olivas Hernandez, O. L., & Odgers Ortiz, O. (2015). Reborn in Christ: body and subjectivation in the addiction rehabilitation experience in pentecostal evangelical centers. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 17(22), 90–119.


This paper analyzes from the paradigm of embodiment, the bodily experiences lived by those who takes part of an addiction rehabilitation treatment, in Evangelical Pentecostal centers, in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. The study is structured on three main areas of analysis: the change of the physical appearance and its relation with the subjective body conception; the obey to a system of rules as a technology of the self ; and the embodied experience of relation with the sacred, as part of the religious healing. The objective of this work is to discuss the senses in which such embodied experiences are inter-subjectively signified, and permits the self-objectification and restructuration in relation with the religious conversion process as an alternative way to attend the addiction illness.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Olga Lidia Olivas Hernandez, Olga Odgers Ortiz


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