Time and place in Michel de Certeau
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Michel de Certeau
Studies of religion

How to Cite

Barbosa, A. M. (2015). Time and place in Michel de Certeau: implications for religion studies. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 17(23), 203–215. https://doi.org/10.22456/1982-2650.53442


This article is dedicated to the analysis of two important concepts of Michel de Certeau - Time and Place. They form a connecting thread of his theses on the historiography making process, which according to Certeau, is a construction made by a subject - the historian. This construction involves many influences over the course of its stages, which Certeau explains through his loaded language of metaphor and with great articulation. The importance of Michel de Certeau theses for historiography has been widely highlighted, and this paper seeks to bring out its implications for religious studies. Certeau refuted the fragmentation of religious discourse into different methodologies and schools of thought, as he emphasized the importance of understanding their organizing principles. In addition, he was a pioneer in illustrating the need to recognize the existence of an existential and epistemic loss that would be inherent in the translation of religious experience through language.

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