Ecology and spiritualities in late modernity
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Late modernity

How to Cite

Silveira, J. P. de P., & Sofiati, F. M. (2016). Ecology and spiritualities in late modernity: from triviality to sustainability ethics. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 18(24), 173–190.


The aim of this paper is to consider the affinity between ecology and spirituality in late modernity. We seek to understand how ecological contents become fundamental references to the religious experience in the field of spirituality that, roughly speaking, is perceived as an expression of individualization of belief within the contemporary religious landscape. Dealing with the issue ecology, the spiritualities produce a new religious ethic that leads us to understand it beyond the stereotype of utilitarian individualism and triviality commonly attributed to this phenomenon. In the wake of comments from Lorne L. Dawson (2006) and James Beckford (2003), the paper suggest that the meaning of religion in contemporary times must be consider through the dialectical relationship between the religious sphere and other social spheres of late modernity. In this sense, the "ecological turn" started in the 1970’s and radicalized today helped to shape a new direction for religion through "ecospirituality”.
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