Expansion of Protestantism in Brazil and its configurations in the Legal Amazon
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Brazilian Amazon
Geography of religion

How to Cite

Senhoras, E. M., Santos, A. F. P. dos, & Cruz, A. R. A. de S. (2016). Expansion of Protestantism in Brazil and its configurations in the Legal Amazon. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 18(25), 136–149. https://doi.org/10.22456/1982-2650.62809


The expansion of Protestantism in Brazil during the twentieth century has been an increasingly important phenomenon although the understanding gaps due to the complex, distinctive and asymmetric dynamics in space and time. Taking for granted the featured discussion, this study aims to contribute to a pioneering approach about the macroregionalized diffusion pattern of Protestantism in the country especially in the Amazon. Based on a deductive logic, this article was structured through an exploratory and descriptive study of quali-quantitative nature that combined multidisciplinary reading and working with primary data provided by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The results and conclusions of the research point to the understanding of Protestant expansionism in Brazil as a unique phenomenon highlighted in the dynamics of Christianity that does not have homogeneous characteristics but rather growing trends of fragmentation and coverage, including a suis generis diffusion pattern of ecclesiastic networks in the Brazilian Amazon.

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Copyright (c) 2016 Elói Martins Senhoras, Alexandre Felipe Pinho dos Santos, Ariane Raquel Almeida de Souza Cruz


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