Analysis and study of Canon Law compared to Brazilian Law
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Legal history
Catholic church
Canon law

How to Cite

Leonardo, F. A. M. (2016). Analysis and study of Canon Law compared to Brazilian Law. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 18(25), 85–100.


This article is an object of study Canon Law in which it makes a parallel with the Brazilian law. In this bias, it is stated that religion has always been present from ancient times to the present day, showing moral and social values, as well as power and domination. Catholicism exposes the link between the spiritual power and the temporal power as well as the ways and studies of its main apostles and theologians will be reported. Although the Brazilian State is secular, according to the Federal Constitution, they are addressed religious themes as the elaboration of laws and public policies. Furthermore, it is noted the Holy See, the Vatican main state body, which is transmitted core values to other peoples of the world. In turn, the Canon Law, for the feathers, seeking spiritual good of the faithful, apply proportionate sanctions so that legal rights are upheld. We used the deductive approach and literature, as well as qualitative research.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Francisco Antônio Morilhe Leonardo


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