Blurring the boundaries between science, spirituality and therapy
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How to Cite

Chiesa, G. R. (2017). Blurring the boundaries between science, spirituality and therapy: the purpose of another medicine. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 19(26), 112–132.


The article presents some of the main practices developed by a group of researchers interested in investigating certain phenomena neglected by the so-called “conventional science” without, however, giving up the resources and instruments invented by science itself. Walking through a slippery terrain responsible for dissolving a series of dichotomies rigidly constituted and defining a certain Western epistemological tradition, this group of researchers invites us to think (and feel) about other ways of doing science and perceiving everything that surround us and that, in different ways, can affect us. It is, in short, a invitation to think about our health, our bodies and ourselves with other eyes, other lenses.
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