The television biblical drama on TV Record
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Biblical novels
Religion and space
Public TV Record
Universal church of the kingdom of god

How to Cite

Scola, J. (2017). The television biblical drama on TV Record: meanings and mediations based on the production of the message. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 19(27), 47–71.


This article proposes a discussion at the intersection of the areas of Anthropology of Religion and Secularism, choosing as object the cycle of productions related to the Old Testament initiated in 2010 and transmitted by Rede Record de Televisão, property of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. These are products of the cultural industry that have been imbued from the outset with tensions and discussions about the logic behind the demarcation of boundaries between the domain of religion and entertainment (Meyer and Moors, 2006). In this convergence identified between the biblical narratives and their current consumption and mediated by the production of the cultural industry, the scopes of circulation and the production of these messages are highlighted. I also emphasize the specificity of this production of Old Testament themes in comparison with earlier placements of what I identify as the "first cycle of religious dramatization," which came out in the late 1990s. The research highlights the movement that some agents identify as a "Judaicizing Turn" by the Universal Church in convergence with the production of miniseries and novels anchored in the text of the Old Testament.
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