Sacred materialities
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Puglisi, R. . (2018). Sacred materialities: bodies, objects and relics from an anthropological perspective. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 20(29), 41–62.


Dialoguing with the anthropological problematizations about the body and the studies about material religion, in this work we propose to approach theoretically the corporality and the objects under a broader perspective, that we can denominate the "materiality of the sacred", which highlights how bodies and objects enable and configure the relationship with the sacred. In the context of these discussions, we will analyze in particular the case of the relics, since due to their liminary nature between body and object, between person and thing, they constitute, in our opinion, a prolific field in which to advance in a research program in which the social studies on the body and those on the material dimension of the religious phenomenon come together. The article discusses all these issues by recovering empirical materials from our ethnographic research of the Sai Baba movement. In this direction, we realize the "proxemic desire", that is, the desire for closeness that followers of the cult sought to have with the body of their spiritual leader, to then describe as the tomb of Sai Baba as well as certain objects that were used or "materialized from nothing" by him can be understood as relics that allow connection with the sacred, thus guaranteeing the continuity of the experience of physical proximity with the saint.
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