Identity and daily strategies of the Jewish communities of Campina Grande / PB
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Jewish communities
Ethnic boundaries
Cultural identity

How to Cite

Braga, M. de A. (2019). Identity and daily strategies of the Jewish communities of Campina Grande / PB. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 21, e019011.


This article examines the process of ethnic identification of new converts in three Jewish communities in the city of Campina Grande/PB, focusing on identity recognition strategies and everyday practices that operate as markers of identity and which form ethnic boundaries. The methodology adopted is based on the reconstruction of trajectories of identification through the narratives of new Jews’ life stories in their social interactions within family and community. The text seeks to analyze how historical Jewish cultural resistance also translates into small everyday activities that reveal the “art of becoming a Jew”.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Mirella de Almeida Braga


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