Charismatic catholic renewal in mar del plata
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Charismatic catholic renewal

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Sánchez, G. (2019). Charismatic catholic renewal in mar del plata: rituals and institution in a prayer group. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 21, e019010.


The Charismatic Catholic Renewal is one of the movements of the new post-conciliar Catholic sensibility. It is characterized by the role played by the laity in its structure and its openness to ecumenism. We aim to address a central problem, which is understanding the distinctive practices of the Charismatic Catholic Renewal (hereinafter CCR). Through knowledge of these practices, we attempt to understand how the transformations of subjectivity occur in the individuals participating in the CCR. In this work we will present the institutions and practices within the CCR. We will analyze the organizational structure of the CCR from an institutional perspective, highlighting the importance we attach to the prayer group. Then we will focus on charismatic rites, divided into prayer groups, life seminars and charismatic masses. Our objective is to carry out an analysis of religious practices; incorporating the institutional dimension. We argue that it is not possible to fully understand the properties of these practices without linking them to the institution that hosts them, and taking this approach we try to understand the way in which beliefs and attitudes live, jointly analyzing the practices and their institutional foundations.
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