Conservative wave and the emergence of a Brazilian New Christian Right?
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Conservative wave
Christian right
Brazilian politics

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Burity, J. (2020). Conservative wave and the emergence of a Brazilian New Christian Right? a conjunctural reading of post-impeachment Brazil. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 22(00), e020015.


The article puts forward a reflection on the conservative wave that connects religion and politics in Brazil, in the post-impeachment context, announcing a new post-democratic regime, from the perspective of an Evangelical-Pentecostal political emergency. It does so in empirical and theoretical terms, connecting processes that resulted in transformations to the very evangelical political identity, through its interactions and disputes with three other alternative models of public presence of religions - the Catholic hierarchical one, the ecumenical public engagement ones, and the Afro-Brazilian culturalizing one - and with minority demands that resulted threatening to conservative sectors of the recent parliamentary and pastoral evangelical elite. The process generated a Pentecostal construction of the people that, starting with an attempt at minority self-representation (ie being part of the people), in recent years, due to conflicts with other minority demands, turned into a growing emulation of the American “Tea Party” model, which seeks to impose a totalizing representation of the people on the other groups in the name of a Christian majority logic produced in articulation with sectors of the religious and secular right.
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