Motivation, inspiration, revelations
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Entrepreneurial spirit
New Age

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Olmos Rebellato, F. (2020). Motivation, inspiration, revelations: a study about New Age spirituality in entrepreneurial circuits in Córdoba, Argentina. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 22(00), e020031.


This article describes and analyses the flow of practice and speeches related to New Age spirituality in circuits that promote entrepreneurial culture. For this, progress is made in an analysis of speaker’s speeches and their enunciation framework in two public events in Córdoba, Argentina, concerned in the “entrepreneurial spirit” diffusion: Experiencia Endeavor and 7 Reinas - Movimiento de Motivación Femenina. The results, although tentative, allows us to reflect on the conventional gaze that conceives the economic sphere as rational and secular. Likewise, they account for a process of updating and renewing contemporary management discourse through the incorporation of practices and discourses associated with New Age spirituality.
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