Fabian Bravo. Faith in transit
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How to Cite

Aranguiz, L. (2021). Fabian Bravo. Faith in transit: chilean evangelicals in the times of deinstitutionalization. Concepción: CEEP Ediciones, 2020, 175 pp. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 23(00), e021005. https://doi.org/10.20396/csr.v23i00.15586


At the Latin American level, it can be said that there has been an academic increase in interest in studying evangelicals. This is due, in general, to the numerical growth they have had in the region and to their growing presence in the political arena in different countries. However, like everything in the field of social life, this is not the only thing that can be studied neither about evangelicals nor about any other group. The book by Fabián Bravo that we present below, accounts precisely for this fact and becomes a contribution to understand in more detail some behaviors within the so-called "evangelical world" of Chile. It is in this, as we shall see, that the character of his contribution to the field of study is encrypted.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Luis Aranguiz


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