All roads lead to Rome and the White House
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Opus Dei
Charismatic renewal

How to Cite

Camurça, M., Brum, A., & Silveira, E. S. da. (2021). All roads lead to Rome and the White House: the flows of catholic religious right to Brazil from the United States of Trump and the traditionalistic environment of Vatican. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 23(00), e021025.


The article intends to discuss the connections between groups of the Catholic right in Brazil with networks and matrices of the same type, externals, and transnationals. The best-known information gives an account of the role played by Evangelical-Pentecostal groups from the USA in these flows. This article, however, seeks to draw attention to the extent of Catholic influence in the process. The movements of Opus Dei and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (RCC) will be highlighted as vectors of this relationship. In examining these two instances of the Catholic Church, the article raises the hypothesis that there has been an international character within Catholicism for a long time, which implies its internal globalization in contemporary times. It works in its way, even though it interacts with other conservative and reactionary religious forms such as Evangelical-Pentecostal groups. We use qualitative-
interpretive methodologies based on non-exhaustive traditional academic bibliography. But, as it is still a hot topic, we use, as a complement, digital and non-digital primary and secondary sources (official speeches, newspapers, videos, and electronic pages).
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Copyright (c) 2021 Marcelo Camurça, Asher Brum, Emerson Sena da Silveira


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