Covid-19, “Deviant” Behavior, and the Social Production of Judaism in Argentina
XX Jornadas de Alternativas Religiosas en América Latina - Dossier:  Antropología(s) del Cristianismo en América Latina (coord. Marcelo Camurça y Gustavo Ludueña)
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Setton, D. (2022). Covid-19, “Deviant” Behavior, and the Social Production of Judaism in Argentina. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 24(00), e022004.


The paper analyze the images of Judaism that have been projected along the coronavirus pandemic in Argentina. It is shown how religious leaders aligned their discourses with both State policy and the definition of the situation delivered by the dominant actors of the medical field. The paper analyzes mass media framing of some social events in which orthodox Jews were involved. It is concluded that the pandemic situation set the stage for a successful presentation of Judaism. Judaism was shown as a lifestyle aligned with dominant definitions of the behavior framed as “right”, with the result of producing integration of the Jewish particularity into de “national community”. Data was collected through analysis of Orthodox Jewish webpages and videos available in YouTube, so framing our research within the concept of religion online.
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