Schisms and revivals
XX Jornadas de Alternativas Religiosas en América Latina - Dossier:  Antropología(s) del Cristianismo en América Latina (coord. Marcelo Camurça y Gustavo Ludueña)
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Religious studies
Postdenominational churches

How to Cite

Ibarra, C. S., & Gomes, E. F. (2022). Schisms and revivals: postdenominationalism and the evangelical-pentecostal landscape in Mexico. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 24(00), e022006.


This paper describes how Mexican Religious Studies could benefit with the usage of the postdenominational category to better understand the country’s changing religious landscape, especially how 2020’s National Census demonstrated a never-before seen increase in the number of people who claimed to have no religion and given how the country is undergoing a major religious shift (ENCREER, 2016). Overall, most studies in Mexico use a given set of categories to understand the religious phenomenon, but there has been a tendency to use pentecostalism, neopentecostalism and evangelicalism as umbrella terms to refer to any christian denomination that differs from catholicism, mainline protestantism or non-trinitarian groups such as the Jehova’s Witnesses or the Seventh-Day Adventists. Using field-data, we argue that the postdenominational category (Miller, 1998), widely used in english
speaking countries, is a necessary addition to our analysis of emerging religious groups in Mexico, because it will allow for a more precise understanding of the religious diversity and evolution of the religious phenomenon not just in the aforementioned country, but also in other countries in Latin America.
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