Between religious faith and musical professionalization
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Evangelical music
Music studies
Techniques of the body and ways of doing
Music studies

How to Cite

Prado Tuma, D. (2023). Between religious faith and musical professionalization: the life stories of four university christian musicians. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 25(00), e023005.


This article analyses the life stories of four Christian musicians associated with the Faculty of Music of the University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas. The aim is to contribute to the current discussion on Christian music in Mexico through a qualitative descriptive model focusing on the content and organization of the musicians’ daily activities. It focuses on the concept of Techniques of the Body, which refers to the relationship between a person and their actions in the environment. This concept is used to investigate the relationships between musicians, their religion and their cultural context through their ways of performing.
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