Introduction - Anthropologies of Christianity in Latin America
XX Jornadas de Alternativas Religiosas en América Latina - Dossier:  Antropología(s) del Cristianismo en América Latina (coord. Marcelo Camurça y Gustavo Ludueña)
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Latin America
Anthropology of christianity

How to Cite

Camurça, M., & Ludueña, G. (2022). Introduction - Anthropologies of Christianity in Latin America: Latin America in the Circuit of Anthropologies of Christianity. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 24(00), e022010.


This special edition wishes to contribute to the construction of a collective reflection on Christianity in our region. We understand that this epistemic and geopolitical positioning from Latin America can lead us towards a dialogue that enriches our own perspectives, procedures and heuristic instruments to which we often resort to understand and account for the multifaceted experience of Christianities as a whole. In addition, we are also aware that the horizon of such enterprise transcends even anthropology itself. Hence, not without a healthy ambition of knowledge and interdisciplinary spirit, this compilation extends the invitation to think about the difficulties posed by Christianities to other disciplinary fields; sociology, history, political science and theology, among others, have for decades been cultivating systematic reflections on the heteroclite forms of Christianities that would contribute depth to this collective undertaking. In short, we are confident that this approach will provide a specular view of Latin America that will allow us to capture the complex nature of this object represented by Christianities.
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