Approaches to Addiction as a Field of Convergence between Studies on Religion, Spirituality, Health and Drugs
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Scuro, J. (2023). Approaches to Addiction as a Field of Convergence between Studies on Religion, Spirituality, Health and Drugs. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 25(00), e023020.


A review of addiction research is shown. The production of Latin American literature was especially considered, where addictions are approached from theoretical-methodological perspectives that include analyzes from: social sciences of religion; drug ethnographies; medical anthropology. Particularly, it delves into the addiction treatment models that I call, neo-pentecostal and neo-shamanic. These models are part of a care system understood in a broad sense, where the religious-spiritual dimensions are expressly present. Its main characteristics are shown as can be seen from the reviewed bibliography and a look at the subject from Uruguay is proposed. The study of the overlapping and convergence of religion and health in the case of addictions is a fertile field for the development of theoretical and analytical perspectives. The debates on secularism and secularization find here a particular empirical basis to problematize.
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