Interconvictional Bodies
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Mixed families
Costa Rica

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Fuentes Belgrave, L. (2024). Interconvictional Bodies: the Management of Belief in Mixed Families. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 26(00), e024002.


This article studies some results of the qualitative research: Challenges of coexistence in interreligious or interconvictional families, developed between 2018 and 2021 from the National University (Costa Rica), whose general objective was to analyze the characteristics, strategies, and practices that interreligious or interconvictional coexistence entails for members of plural families. Based on 21 in-depth interviews carried out with people residing in urban and rural areas of Costa Rica (Central America), located through “snowball” sampling, we reflect on the different types of negotiation of belief related to bodily autonomy, exemplified in the approach to sexual and reproductive rights in each case, within mixed families (with mixed convictional, ethno-religious, age, sex/gender and religious). These negotiations present in the daily lives of believers and non-believers are analyzed, as well as the challenges involved in the factors of confrontation, negotiation and convergence within interreligious coexistence.
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