Crossmark Retratected

The journal Ciencias Sociales y Religión/Social Sciences and Religion is committed to defending the integrity of literature and publishes Errata, Expressions of Concerns or Retraction Notices dependent on the situation and in accordance with COPE's Retraction Guidelines.

"Crossmark is a crossref multi-publisher initiative to provide a standard way for readers to find the current version of content. By applying the Crossmark logo, Publishe Name is committed to keeping the content it publishes and alerting readers to changes if and when they occur. Clicking the Crossmark logo will tell you the current status of a document and may also give you additional publication record information about the document." (CROSSREF, 2020).

The retraction mechanism follows the Retraction Guidelines of the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) that can be accessed in COPE - Retratction Guidelines.