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Food and nutrition security in South America and the Brics
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Food security
South America

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FILHO, Niemeyer Almeida; E AZEVEDO, Ludmila Luísa Tavares. Food and nutrition security in South America and the Brics : developments and uncertainties on the horizon. Economia e Sociedade, Campinas, SP, v. 28, n. 3, p. 717–739, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The article begins with an assessment that the global capitalist system is intrinsically unequal. The data are those of the performance of national economies. A problematization of this hypothesis in the most recent post-crisis period of 2008 exists given the works that sustain that there is a structural change in favor of the developing economies. The theoretical elements systematized in the article corroborate the hypothesis that the system remains unequal, although with marginal changes. A second part presents the systematization of social data related to Food Security and Nutrition for the region of South America and the BRICS. Social progress is linked, but the indicators show a situation still far removed from the reality of developed economies. The Principal component analysis (PCA) procedure is used.

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