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The territorial dynamics of innovation in the state of São Paulo
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Geography of innovation
Knowledge spillovers
Local productive structure
Knowledge production function

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MASCARINI, Suelene; GARCIA, Renato; ROSELINO, José Eduardo. The territorial dynamics of innovation in the state of São Paulo: an analysis based on regionalised data from PINTEC. Economia e Sociedade, Campinas, SP, v. 29, n. 3, p. 891–910, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This paper examines the geography of innovation in the state of São Paulo. Its objective is to investigate how territorial factors affect innovation at the regional level. For this, data extracted from PINTEC on innovation at the micro-region level in the state of São Paulo was used and a model based on the knowledge production function applied to the regions was adopted. The results show that local innovative efforts and knowledge spillovers affect innovation in the regions. In addition, a more agglomerated and diversified local production structure results in a faster rate of innovation. These results contribute to the debate by presenting new empirical evidence on the role of locational factors in fostering innovation in Brazil through the use of direct measures of innovative inputs and innovation results.

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