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Sales dealing capital
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Sales dealing capital

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CIPOLLA, Francisco Paulo; AQUINO, Dayani Cris de; GIORGI, Fernando di. Sales dealing capital: the labor of delivery under the yoke of platform capital. Economia e Sociedade, Campinas, SP, v. 31, n. 3, p. 671–699, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Delivery labor has been the subject of a multitude of descriptive articles. Marxian theoretical approaches, on the other
hand, have taken for granted that delivery labor is wage labor and that digital platforms represent a new and higher form
of real subsumption of labor to capital. The present article restricts its analysis to the delivery of food and grocery
shopping. Differently from the mainstream Marxian view, we argue that labor’s revenue accrues not from wages but from
an activity of simple commodity circulation, that is the sale of transportation. Platform capital subsumes the first phase of
the circuit C – M – C of the deliverer to its own activity as Sales Dealing Capital. Its profits derive not from the
exploitation of labor but from a fraction of the profits of restaurants and supermarkets. It is argued, moreover, that the
whole process has all the appearances of labor’s exploitation because lower transportation fares increase the size of the
market and, thus, platform profits

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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