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The dairy preservation process on National Farms, in Campinas do Piauí
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cultural landscape
industrial heritage
rural architectural patrimony
cultural memory
dairy factory

How to Cite

Costa, A. A. de A. (2010). The dairy preservation process on National Farms, in Campinas do Piauí. Labor E Engenho, 4(4), 78–92.


This text, in Portuguese entitled “O processo de preservação da Fábrica de Lacticínios das Fazendas Nacionais em Campinas do Piauí” aims to address the issue of preservation of industrial heritage and rural Piaui, content presented in an original and unpublished, nationally and internationally. The data presented and the analysis performed are related to a major industrial facility, located in a rural area in the state of Piauí, which was part of the heritage of the National Farms, which opened in 1897. This paper is focused on discussions about important issues in the area of Industrial Heritage and Rural Architecture. The State of Piauí has in its historical and social formation a strong relationship with rural culture, linked to the cycle of leather that has developed the creation of urban centers from the old cattle ranches that occupied much of the land originally from Piauí. The Dairy Factory is an exemplaryrelationship between the rural and industrial heritage in the state, and goes through a complex process for preservation, as will be discussed in this text. The text will address issues pertinent to the intrinsic relationship between "Heritage and Regional Development", aiming to contribute to the main theme of the Conferência Internacional sobre Patrimônio e Desenvolvimento Regional, which aims to explore issues related to "Landscapes of Production, Industry, Culture and Nature."
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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