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Mapudungun and the schooling process of the Mapuche people in governmental and pedagogical discourse in Chile
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Indigenous languages
Cultural heritage.

How to Cite

Soto Veloso, E. G. (2007). Mapudungun and the schooling process of the Mapuche people in governmental and pedagogical discourse in Chile. Labor E Engenho, 1(1), 28–47.


The Mapuche people, from Chile, is part of this country that imposes the Spanish as national language. The research focus on the historical processes of the Mapuche language and its schooling processes after the incorporation of these people by the Chilean nation-state. For this purpose, we attempted to the meanings raised on government discourse, when discussing these historical processes. The research analyses – from the French discursive viewpoint – the laws about Education published in 1860, and 1920, as well as the 1993 Indigenous Law n.19.253. But the focus of this paper is on the Indigenous Law meanings, that will permit discussing about Bilingual Intercultural Education – BIE, and about the schooling processes in Chile today.
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