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The case of “Fazenda Ermida” in Jundiaí [SP]: the coffee contribution to design of the cultural landscape
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Rural architecture
Cultural landscape.

How to Cite

Argollo Ferrão, A. M. de, Valderrama, B. V. B., Mortati, D. M. de A. N., & Moraes, E. G. (2008). The case of “Fazenda Ermida” in Jundiaí [SP]: the coffee contribution to design of the cultural landscape. Labor E Engenho, 2(1), 52–61.


We focus this article on the transformation of the rural and urban landscape from the coffee production and its apparatuses, with the objective of analyzing how the dividing line between urban and rural territory dilutes as the extent that coffee raises the need for urban support for its development. In this case, the city, as a way of life, is featuring and introducing new paradigms in rural areas, which can be seen in the architecture and the means of production. “Fazenda Erminda”, located in Jundiaí (a county of São Paulo state, Brazil), was selected as a study object, which its rural architecture will be characterized on the basis of the buildings, according to the cultural heritage and the landscapes available. The architectural characteristics of a territorial portion leads to the recognition of cultural heritage, possibly existing, as a significant economic and educational value. When this property is part of a strategy focused on memory recovery and its importance to the identity of the beneficiary communities, it could contribute to the thinking of occupation alternatives and ownership of the property. The analysis we here propose is based on the methodology of Argollo Ferrão (2004) approach, which has two vectors, cultural and productive, recording the architecture of the productionbased on the coffee cycle, and also presents the possibility of approaching to the object of Study in four levels: regional, production unit, buildings and machinery, and finally the agro ecological level.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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