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Critical analysis of the sanitation management of the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil
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Water supply

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Turini, L. R., Lima, E. B. N. R., & Moraes, G. F. de. (2019). Critical analysis of the sanitation management of the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Labor E Engenho, 13, e019015.


This study shows a broad analysis of the impact caused by sanitation management models in the state of Mato Grosso from the change from centralized to decentralized where each municipality started to manage its own water supply systems. The impacts of the change were analyzed considering the following dimensions: managerial, technicaloperational, social, environmental from the definition of indicators to evaluate the evolution of the sector after 20 years of validity of this new model. The analysis was based on data from the Project entitled — Sanitation Plan of 106 municipalities of the State of Mato Grosso (PMSB-MT) involving the participation of three federated entities of the Country (Union, State and Municipality) to elaborate the municipal plans of sanitation of 106 municipalities with a population of less than or equal to 50,000 inhabitants, considering the perspectives of governance and sustainability provided by Law 11455/2007. The methodology comprised a quantitative approach, which resulted in a technical
diagnosis of the existing infrastructures and the operational conditions and the managerial capacity of the municipalities in the provision of services. The results are discussed in relation to the indicators to evaluate the service coverage indexes, type of funding, hydrometric index, losses and delinquency. The decentralized model was not successful in the municipalities, since they were not trained and trained to provide the services generating innumerable, independent problems to the type of service rendering.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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