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The environmental requirements of land subdivision as instruments for the Healthy City in Sao Paulo State [Brazil]
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Land subdivision. Urban green areas. Healthy city.

How to Cite

Agujaro, L. F., Collaço, J. F. L., & Pinto, A. G. (2018). The environmental requirements of land subdivision as instruments for the Healthy City in Sao Paulo State [Brazil]. Labor E Engenho, 12(4), 519–524.


Urban green areas, as defined by law, can bring benefits in terms of the quality of life of the population by associated ecosystem services. Consistent with the National Policy for Health Promotion, it is the responsibility of the public power to support the development of spaces for social production and healthy environments that are conducive to human development and well-being, contributing to the formation of health promotion agendas. The healthy city must provide environmental quality to its inhabitants, with zoning foreseeing urban facilities that aim at environmental services and that preserve the ecosystem functions of the environment. The tendency to implement large closed spaces, a frequent reality in the state of São Paulo, shapes the urban spatial configuration, cloistering public green areas, which prevents the use of these by the population in general and compromises their environmental functions. This article intends to create a reflection on the reality of environmental licensing of urban occupations and legal aspects in the state of São Paulo that can impact on environmental health in relation to green areas, as well as evaluate the relation of the population to these spaces, based experiences in the technical analysis for the approval of urban projects of the authors, which will contribute to the construction of healthier public spaces more participatory and integrative.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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